rings whose every module is free
Recall that if R is a (nontrivial) ring and M is a R-module, then (nonempty) subset S⊆M is called linearly independent if for any m1,…,mn∈M and any r1,⋯,rn∈R the equality
r1⋅m1+…+rn⋅mn=0 |
implies that r1=…=rn=0. If S⊆M is a linearly independent subset of generators of M, then S is called a basis of M. Of course not every module has a basis (it even doesn’t have to have linearly independent subsets). R-module is called free, if it has basis. In particular if R is a field, then it is well known that every R-module is free. What about the converse
Proposition. Let R be a unital ring. Then R is a division ring if and only if every left R-module is free.
Proof. ,,⇒” First assume that R is a divison ring. Then obviously R has only two (left) ideals, namely 0 and R (because every nontrivial ideal contains invertible element and thus it contains 1, so it contains every element of R). Let M be a R-module and m∈M such that m≠0. Then we have homomorphism of R-modules f:R→M such that f(r)=r⋅m. Note that ker(f)≠R (because f(1)≠0) and thus ker(f)=0 (because ker(f) is a left ideal
). It is clear that this implies that {m} is linearly independent subset of M. Now let
Λ={P⊆M|P is linearly independent}. |
Therefore we proved that Λ≠∅. Note that (Λ,⊆) is a poset (where ,,⊆” denotes the inclusion) in which every chain is bounded. Thus we may apply Zorn’s lemma. Let P0∈Λ be a maximal element in Λ. We will show that P0 is a basis (i.e. P0 generates M). Assume that m∈M is such that m∉P0. Then P0∪{m} is linearly dependent (because P0 is maximal) and thus there exist m1,⋯,mn∈M and λ,λ1,⋯,λn∈R such that λ≠0 and
λ⋅m+λ1⋅m1+⋯λn⋅mn=0. |
Since λ≠0, then λ is invertible in R (because R is a divison ring) and therefore
m=(-λ-1λ1)⋅m1+⋯+(-λ-1λn)⋅mn. |
Thus P0 generates M, so every R-module is free. This completes this implication
,,⇐” Assume now that every left R-module is free. In particular every left R-module is projective, thus R is semisimple and therefore R is Noetherian
. This implies that R has invariant basis number. Let I⊆R be a nontrivial left ideal. Thus I is a R-module, so it is free and since all modules are projective (because they are free), then I is direct summand
of R. If I is proper, then we have a decomposition of a R-module
R≃I⊕I′, |
but rank of R is 1 and rank of I⊕I′ is at least 2. Contradiction, because R has invariant basis number. Thus the only left ideals in R are 0 and R. Now let x∈R. Then Rx=R, so there exists β∈R such that
βx=1. |
Thus every element is left invertible. But then every element is invertible. Indeed, if βx=1 then there exist α∈R such that αβ=1 and thus
1=αβ=α(βx)β=(αβ)xβ=xβ, |
so x is right invertible. Thus R is a divison ring. □
Remark. Note that this proof can be dualized to the case of right modules and thus we obtained that a unital ring R is a divison ring if and only if every right R-module is free.
Title | rings whose every module is free |
Canonical name | RingsWhoseEveryModuleIsFree |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 18:50:20 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 18:50:20 |
Owner | joking (16130) |
Last modified by | joking (16130) |
Numerical id | 10 |
Author | joking (16130) |
Entry type | Example |
Classification | msc 16D40 |