partially ordered algebraic system
Let A be a poset. Recall a function f on A is said to be
order-preserving (or isotone) provided that f(a)≤f(b), or
order-reversing (or antitone) provided that f(a)≥f(b), or
whenever a≤b. Furthermore, f is called monotone if f is either isotone or antitone.
For every function f on A, we denote it to be ↑, ↓, or ↕ according to whether it is isotone, antitone, or both. The following are some easy consequences:
↑∘↓=↓∘↑=↓ (meaning that the composition of an isotone and an antitone maps is antitone),
↑∘↑=↓∘↓=↑ (meaning that the composition of two isotone or two antitone maps is isotone),
- •
The notion above can be generalized to n-ary operations on a poset A. An n-ary operation f on a poset A is said to be isotone, antitone, or monotone iff when f is isotone, antitone, or monotone with respect to each of its n variables. We continue to use to arrow notations above to denote n-ary monotone functions. For example, a ternary function that is (↑,↓,↑) is isotone with respect to its first and third variables, and antitone with respect to its second variable.
Definition. A partially ordered algebraic system is an algebraic system 𝒜=(A,O) such that A is a poset, and every operation f∈O on A is monotone. A partially ordered algebraic system is also called a partially ordered algebra, or a po-algebra for short.
Examples of po-algebras are po-groups, po-rings, and po-semigroups. In all three cases, the multiplication operations are (↑,↑), as well as the addition operation in a po-ring.. In the case of a po-group, the
multiplicative inverse operation is ↓, as well as the additive inverse operation in a po-ring.
Another example is an ordered vector space V over a field k. The underlying universe is V (not k). Addition over V is, like the other examples above, isotone. Each element r∈k acts as a unary operator on V, given by r(v)=rv, the scalar multiplication of r and v. As k is itself a poset, it can be partitioned into three sets: the positive cone P(k) of k, the negative cone -P(k), and {0}. Then r∈P(k) iff it is ↑ as a unary operator, r∈-P(k) iff it is ↓, and r=0 iff it is ↕.
A homomorphism
from one po-algebra 𝒜 to another ℬ is an isotone map ϕ from posets A to B that is at the same time a homomorphism from the algebraic systems 𝒜 to ℬ.
A partially ordered subalgebra
of a po-algebra 𝒜 is just a subalgebra of 𝒜 viewed as an algebra, where the partial ordering on the universe of the subalgebra is inherited from the partial ordering on A.
- 1 L. Fuchs, Partially Ordered Algebraic Systems, Addison-Wesley, (1963).
Title | partially ordered algebraic system |
Canonical name | PartiallyOrderedAlgebraicSystem |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 19:03:19 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 19:03:19 |
Owner | CWoo (3771) |
Last modified by | CWoo (3771) |
Numerical id | 8 |
Author | CWoo (3771) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 06F99 |
Classification | msc 08C99 |
Classification | msc 08A99 |
Related topic | AlgebraicSystem |