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Let and 𝒢 be the families of languagesPlanetmathPlanetmath represented by regular expressionsMathworldPlanetmath and generalized regular expressions respectively. It is well-known that


This means that the additional symbols and ¬ in a generalized regular expressions are extraneous: removing them will not affect the representational power of the expressions with respect to regular languages.

What if we remove *, the Kleene star symbol, instead? With regard to regular expressions, removing * severely limits the power of the expressions. By inductionMathworldPlanetmath, the represented languages are all finite. In this entry, we briefly discuss what happens when * is removed from the generalized regular expressions.

Definition. Let Σ be an alphabet. A language L over Σ is said to be star-free if it can be expressed by a generalized regular expression without *. In other words, a star-free language is a language that can be obtained by applying the operationsMathworldPlanetmath of union, concatenationMathworldPlanetmath, and complementation to and atomic languages (singleton subsets of Σ) a finite number of times.

If we denote 𝒮 the family of star-free languages (over some alphabet Σ), then 𝒮 is the smallest set of languages over Σ such that

  • 𝒮,

  • {a}𝒮 for any aΣ,

  • if L,M𝒮, then LM,LM,Lc𝒮.

A shorter characterizationMathworldPlanetmath of a star-free language is a language with star height 0 with respect to representations by generalized regular expressions.

In relationsMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath to finite and regular languages, we have the following:

𝒮, (1)

where denotes the family of finite languages over Σ.

Furthermore, it is easy to see that 𝒮 is closed under Boolean operations, so that 𝒮 contains infiniteMathworldPlanetmath languages, for example ¬ represents Σ*. As a result, the first inclusion must be strict. This example also shows that languages representable by expressions including the Kleene star may still be star-free. Here’s another example: {ab}* over the alphabet {a,b}. This language can be represented as


The expression above, of course, is not star-free, and includes the symbol λ representing the empty wordPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath. However, Σ* is just ¬, and λ is just Σ*¬(aΣ*)¬(bΣ*). Some substitutions show that {ab}* is indeed star-free.

Is the second inclusion strict? Are there regular languages such that representations by expressions including the Kleene star is inevitable? The following propositionPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath answers the question:

Proposition 1.

A language L is star-free iff there exists a non-negative integer n such that, for any words u,v,w over Σ, uvnwL iff uvn+1wL.

A language satisfying the second statement in the proposition is known as noncounting, so the proposition can be restated as: a language is star-free iff it is noncounting.

As a result of this fact, we see that languages such as {(ab)2}* is not star-free, although it is regularPlanetmathPlanetmath. Indeed, if we pick u=v=w=ab as in the statement of the proposition above, we see that uvnw is in the language iff uvn+1w is not in the language, for any n0. Therefore, the second inclusion in chain (1) above is also strict.

The above proposition also strengthens chain (1): denote by 𝒯() the family of locally testable languages, then

𝒯()𝒮. (2)

The first inclusion is due to the fact that, for any k-testable language L (over some Σ), we have


(the definition of swk(u) is found in the entry on locally testable languages). Note the first inclusion is also strict. For example, the language represented by (ab)*(ba)* is star-free but not locally testable.


  • 1 A. Ginzburg, Algebraic Theory of Automata, Academic Press (1968).
  • 2 A. Salomaa, Formal LanguagesMathworldPlanetmath, Academic Press, New York (1973).
Title star-free
Canonical name Starfree
Date of creation 2013-03-22 18:59:05
Last modified on 2013-03-22 18:59:05
Owner CWoo (3771)
Last modified by CWoo (3771)
Numerical id 16
Author CWoo (3771)
Entry type Definition
Classification msc 68Q42
Classification msc 68Q45
Synonym star free
Synonym non-counting
Synonym noncounting
Related topic StarHeight