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theory of formal languages

Note: This entry is very rough at the moment, and requires work. I mainly wrote it to help motivate other entries and to organize entries on this topic and point out holes in our coverage. Right now, it is mainly a list of entries, many of which have not been written yet. Under the first heading, there is short paragraph. Eventually, there should be such a paragraph under each entry and a bibliography at the end. However, this is a lot of work for one person, so this entry is world editable in the hope that others who are knowledgable in this topic will contribute their expertise.

1 Basic concepts and terminology

Loosely speaking, a formal languageMathworldPlanetmath is a languagePlanetmathPlanetmath whose structrure can be specified with mathematical precision. The study of formal languages is not only interesting as a mathematical discipline in its own right, but also because of its relevance to the foundations of mathematics, its applications, and surprising connections with other branches of mathematics.

2 Classification of languages

3 Regular (type 3) languages

4 Context-free (type 2) languages

  • intersectionMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath of context-free and regular languages is context-free

  • rightmost derivation

  • a language is context-free iff it can be recognized by a pushdown automaton

  • Earley’s algorithmMathworldPlanetmath

  • LL(k) ( grammar

  • left-factored grammar

  • LR(k) ( grammar

  • every LR(k) grammar can be recognized by a deterministic pushdown automaton

  • every language which can be recognized by a deterministic pushdown automaton can be described by an LR(1) grammar

5 Context-sensitive (type 1) languages

  • length-increasing grammar

  • a language is context-sensitive iff it can be generated by a length-increasing grammar

  • a language is context-sensitive iff it can be recognized by a linear bounded automaton

6 Phrase-structure (type 0) languages

  • recursively enumerable language, co-recursively enumerable language

  • language that is neither recursively enumerablePlanetmathPlanetmath, nor co-recursively enumerable

  • every phrase-structure language is recursively enumerable

7 Other types of languages and automata that describe them

  • star-free language versus aperiodic finite automaton

  • a star-free language is regularPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath, but not conversely

  • mildly context-sensitive language versus embedded pushdown automaton

  • tree-adjoining grammar

  • languages generated by tree-adjoining grammars are exactly the mildly context-sensitive languages

  • a context-free language is mildly context-sensitive, but not conversely

  • indexed language versus nested stack automaton

  • a mildly context-sensitive language is indexed, but not conversely

  • an indexed language is context-sensitive, but not conversely

8 Connection to group and semigroup theory

9 Decidability

  • membership problem

  • emptiness problem

  • recursively enumerable language

  • recursive language

10 Special languages

Title theory of formal languages
Canonical name TheoryOfFormalLanguages
Date of creation 2013-03-22 15:06:37
Last modified on 2013-03-22 15:06:37
Owner rspuzio (6075)
Last modified by rspuzio (6075)
Numerical id 16
Author rspuzio (6075)
Entry type Topic
Classification msc 68R15
Classification msc 68Q70
Classification msc 68Q45
Classification msc 68Q42
Classification msc 20M05
Classification msc 20F10
Classification msc 08A50
Classification msc 03D40
Classification msc 03D05
Classification msc 03C07