11.2.1 The algebraic structure of Dedekind reals
The construction of the algebraic and order-theoretic structure of Dedekind reals proceeds
as usual in intuitionistic logic
. Rather than dwelling on details we point out the
between the classical and intuitionistic setup. Writing Lx and Ux for
the lower and upper cut of a real number x:ℝ𝖽, we define addition as
Lx+y(q) | :≡∃(r,s:ℚ).Lx(r)∧Ly(s)∧q=r+s, | ||
Ux+y(q) | :≡∃(r,s:ℚ).Ux(r)∧Uy(s)∧q=r+s, |
and the additive inverse by
L-x(q) | :≡∃(r:ℚ).Ux(r)∧q=-r, | ||
U-x(q) | :≡∃(r:ℚ).Lx(r)∧q=-r. |
With these operations (ℝ𝖽,0,+,-) is an abelian group
. Multiplication is a bit
more cumbersome:
Lx⋅y(q) | :≡∃(a,b,c,d:ℚ).Lx(a)∧Ux(b)∧Ly(c)∧Uy(d)∧q<min(a⋅c,a⋅d,b⋅c,b⋅d), | ||
Ux⋅y(q) | :≡∃(a,b,c,d:ℚ).Lx(a)∧Ux(b)∧Ly(c)∧Uy(d)∧max(a⋅c,a⋅d,b⋅c,b⋅d)<q. |
These formulas are related to multiplication of intervals in interval arithmetic, where
intervals [a,b] and [c,d] with rational endpoints multiply to the interval
[a,b]⋅[c,d]=[min(ac,ad,bc,bd),max(ac,ad,bc,bd)]. |
For instance, the formula for the lower cut can be read as saying that q<x⋅y when there are intervals [a,b] and [c,d] containing x and y, respectively, such that q is to the left of [a,b]⋅[c,d]. It is generally useful to think of an interval [a,b] such that Lx(a) and Ux(b) as an approximation of x, see \autorefex:RD-interval-arithmetic.
We now have a commutative ring with unit
(ℝ𝖽,0,1,+,-,⋅). To treat
multiplicative inverses, we must first introduce order. Define ≤ and < as
(x≤y) | :≡∀(q:ℚ).Lx(q)⇒Ly(q), | ||
(x<y) | :≡∃(q:ℚ).Ux(q)∧Ly(q). |
Lemma 11.2.1.
For all x:Rd and q:Q, Lx(q)⇔(q<x) and Ux(q)⇔(x<q).
If Lx(q) then by roundedness there merely is r>q such that Lx(r), and since
Uq(r) it follows that q<x. Conversely, if q<x then there is r:ℚ such
that Uq(r) and Lx(r), hence Lx(q) because Lx is a lower set. The other half
of the proof is symmetric.
The relation ≤ is a partial order
, and < is transitive
and irreflexive
. Linearity
(x<y)∨(y≤x) |
is valid if we assume excluded middle, but without it we get weak linearity
(x<y)⇒(x<z)∨(z<y). | (11.2.2) |
At first sight it might not be clear what (11.2.2) has to do with linear order. But if we take x≡u-ϵ and y≡u+ϵ for ϵ>0, then we get
(u-ϵ<z)∨(z<u+ϵ). |
This is linearity “up to a small numerical error”, i.e., since it is unreasonable to
expect that we can actually compute with infinite precision, we should not be surprised
that we can decide < only up to whatever finite precision we have computed.
To see that (11.2.2) holds, suppose x<y. Then there merely exists q:ℚ such that Ux(q) and Ly(q). By roundedness there merely exist r,s:ℚ such that r<q<s, Ux(r) and Ly(s). Then, by locatedness Lz(r) or Uz(s). In the first case we get x<z and in the second z<y.
Classically, multiplicative inverses exist for all numbers which are different from zero. However, without excluded middle, a stronger condition is required. Say that x,y:ℝ𝖽 are apart from each other, written x#y, when (x<y)∨(y<x):
(x#y):≡(x<y)∨(y<x). |
If x#y, then ¬(x=y). The converse is true if we assume excluded middle, but is not provable constructively. Indeed, if ¬(x=y) implies x#y, then a little bit of excluded middle follows; see \autorefex:reals-apart-neq-MP.
Theorem 11.2.3.
A real is invertible if, and only if, it is apart from 0.
Remark 11.2.4.
We observe that a real is invertible if, and only if, it is merely invertible. Indeed, the same is true in any ring, since a ring is a set, and multiplicative inverses are unique if they exist. See the discussion following \autorefcor:UC.
Suppose x⋅y=1. Then there merely exist a,b,c,d:ℚ such that a<x<b, c<y<d and 0<min(ac,ad,bc,bd). From 0<ac and 0<bc it follows that a, b, and c are either all positive or all negative. Hence either 0<a<x or x<b<0, so that x#0.
Conversely, if x#0 then
Lx-1(q) | :≡∃(r:ℚ).Ux(r)∧((0<r∧qr<1)∨(r<0∧1<qr)) | ||
Ux-1(q) | :≡∃(r:ℚ).Lx(r)∧((0<r∧qr>1)∨(r<0∧1>qr)) |
defines the desired inverse. Indeed, Lx-1 and Ux-1 are inhabited because
The archimedean principle can be stated in several ways. We find it most illuminating in the form which says that ℚ is dense in ℝ𝖽.
Theorem 11.2.5 (Archimedean principle for Rd).
For all x,y:Rd if x<y then there merely exists q:Q such that x<q<y.
By definition of <. ∎
Before tackling completeness of Dedekind reals, let us state precisely what algebraic
structure they possess. In the following definition we are not aiming at a minimal
axiomatization, but rather at a useful amount of structure and properties.
Definition 11.2.6.
An ordered field is a set F together with constants 0, 1, operations +, -, ⋅, min, max, and mere relations ≤, <, # such that:
(F,0,1,+,-,⋅) is a commutative ring with unit;
x:F is invertible if, and only if, x#0;
(F,≤,min,max) is a lattice
the strict order < is transitive, irreflexive, and weakly linear (x<y⇒x<z∨z<y);
apartness # is irreflexive, symmetric and cotransitive (x#y⇒x#z∨y#z);
for all x,y,z:F:
x≤y ⇔¬(y<x), x<y≤z ⇒x<z, x#y ⇔(x<y)∨(y<x), x≤y<z ⇒x<z, x≤y ⇔x+z≤y+z, x≤y∧0≤z ⇒xz≤yz, x<y ⇔x+z<y+z, 0<z⇒(x<y ⇔xz<yz), 0<x+y ⇒0<x∨0<y, 0 <1.
Every such field has a canonical embedding Q→F. An ordered field is
when for all x,y:F, if x<y then there merely exists q:Q such that x<q<y.
Theorem 11.2.7.
The Dedekind reals form an ordered archimedean field.
We omit the proof in the hope that what we have demonstrated so far makes the theorem plausible. ∎
Title | 11.2.1 The algebraic structure of Dedekind reals |
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