examples of groups
Groups (http://planetmath.org/Group) are ubiquitous throughout mathematics. Many “naturally
occurring” groups are either groups of numbers (typically Abelian)
or groups of symmetries
(typically non-Abelian
Groups of numbers
The most important group is the group of integers ℤ with addition
as operation
and zero as identity element
The integers modulo n, often denoted by ℤn, form a group under addition. Like ℤ itself, this is a cyclic group
; any cyclic group is isomorphic
to one of these.
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The positive rationals form a group under multiplication with identity element 1, and so do the non-zero rationals. The same is true for the reals and real algebraic numbers
The non-zero complex numbers
form a group under multiplication. So do the non-zero quaternions
. The latter is our first example of a non-Abelian group
More generally, any (skew) field gives rise to two groups: the additive group
of all field elements with 0 as identity element, and the multiplicative group of all non-zero field elements with 1 as identity element.
The complex numbers of absolute value
1 form a group under multiplication, best thought of as the unit circle
. The quaternions of absolute value 1 form a group under multiplication, best thought of as the three-dimensional unit sphere
S3. The two-dimensional sphere S2 however is not a group in any natural way.
The positive integers less than n which are coprime
to n form a group if the operation is defined as multiplication modulo n. This is an Abelian group whose order is given by the Euler phi-function ϕ(n).
The units of the number ring ℤ[√3] form the multiplicative group consisting of all integer powers of 2+√3 and their negatives (see units of quadratic fields).
Generalizing the last two examples, if R is a ring with multiplicative identity
1, then the units of R (http://planetmath.org/GroupOfUnits) (the elements invertible
with respect to multiplication) form a group with respect to ring multiplication and with identity element 1. See examples of rings.
Most groups of numbers carry natural topologies turning them into topological groups.
Symmetry groups
The symmetric group
of degree n, denoted by Sn, consists of all permutations
of n items and has n! elements. Every finite group
is isomorphic to a subgroup
of some Sn (Cayley’s theorem).
An important subgroup of the symmetric group of degree n is the alternating group
, denoted An. This consists of all even permutations on n items. A permutation is said to be even if it can be written as the product
of an even number
of transpositions
. The alternating group is normal in Sn, of index 2, and it is an interesting fact that An is simple for n≥5. See the proof on the simplicity of the alternating groups. See also examples of finite simple groups.
If any geometrical object is given, one can consider its symmetry group consisting of all rotations
and reflections
which leave the object unchanged. For example, the symmetry group of a cone is isomorphic to S1; the symmetry group of a square has eight elements and is isomorphic to the dihedral group
The set of all automorphisms
of a given group (or field, or graph, or topological space, or object in any category
) forms a group with operation given by the composition
of homomorphisms
. This is the automorphism group
of the given object and captures its “internal symmetries”.
In Galois theory
, the symmetry groups of field extensions (or equivalently: the symmetry groups of solutions to polynomial equations) are the central object of study; they are called Galois groups
. One version of the inverse Galois problem asks whether every finite group can arise as the symmetry group of some algebraic extension
of the rational numbers. The answer is unknown.
Several matrix groups
describe various aspects of the symmetry of n-space:
The general linear group
GL(n,ℝ) of all real invertible n×n matrices (with matrix multiplication
as operation) contains rotations, reflections, dilations
, shear transformations, and their combinations
The orthogonal group
O(n,ℝ) of all real orthogonal
n×n matrices contains the rotations and reflections of n-space.
The special orthogonal group
SO(n,ℝ) of all real orthogonal n×n matrices with determinant
1 contains the rotations of n-space.
All these matrix groups are Lie groups: groups which are differentiable manifolds such that the group operations
are smooth maps.
Other groups
The trivial group consists only of its identity element.
The Klein 4-group is a non-cyclic abelian group with four elements. For other small groups, see groups of small order.
If X is a topological space and x is a point of X, we can define the fundamental group
of X at x. It consists of (homotopy classes of) continuous
paths starting and ending at x and describes the structure
of the “holes” in X accessible
from x. The fundamental group is generalized by the higher homotopy groups.
Other groups studied in algebraic topology are the homology groups
of a topological space. In a different way, they also provide information about the “holes” of the space.
The free groups
are important in algebraic topology. In a sense, they are the most general groups, having only those relations
among their elements that are absolutely required by the group axioms. The free group on the set S has as members all the finite strings that can be formed from elements of S and their inverses
; the operation comes from string concatenation.
If A and B are two Abelian groups (or modules over the same ring), then the set Hom(A,B) of all homomorphisms from A to B is an Abelian group. Note that the commutativity of B is crucial here: without it, one couldn’t prove that the sum of two homomorphisms is again a homomorphism.
Given any set X, the powerset 𝒫(X) of X becomes an abelian group if we use the symmetric difference
as operation. In this group, any element is its own inverse, which makes it into a vector space
over ℤ2.
If R is a ring with multiplicative identity, then the set of all invertible n×n matrices over R forms a group under matrix multiplication with the identity matrix
as identity element; this group is denoted by GL(n,R). It is the group of units of the ring of all n×n matrices over R. For a given n, the groups GL(n,R) with commutative ring R can be viewed as the points on the general linear group scheme GLn.
If K is a number field
, then multiplication of (equivalence classes
of) non-zero ideals in the ring of algebraic integers 𝒪𝒦 gives rise to the ideal class group
of K.
The set of the equivalence classes of commensurability of the positive real numbers is an Abelian group with respect to the defined operation.
The set of arithmetic functions that take a value other than 0 at 1 form an Abelian group under Dirichlet convolution. They include as a subgroup the set of multiplicative functions.
Consider the curve C={(x,y)∈K2∣y2=x3-x}, where K is any field. Every straight line intersects this set in three points (counting a point twice if the line is tangent
, and allowing for a point at infinity). If we require that those three points add up to zero for any straight line, then we have defined an abelian group structure on C. Groups like these are called abelian varieties
Let E be an elliptic curve
defined over any field F. Then the set of F-rational points in the curve E, denoted by E(F), can be given the structure of abelian group. If F is a number field, then E(F) is a finitely generated
abelian group. The curve C in the example above is an elliptic curve defined over ℚ, thus C(ℚ) is a finitely generated abelian group.
In the classification of all finite simple groups, several “sporadic” groups occur which don’t follow any discernable pattern. The largest of these is the monster group with about 8⋅1053 elements.
Title | examples of groups |
Canonical name | ExamplesOfGroups |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 12:49:19 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 12:49:19 |
Owner | AxelBoldt (56) |
Last modified by | AxelBoldt (56) |
Numerical id | 34 |
Author | AxelBoldt (56) |
Entry type | Example |
Classification | msc 20-00 |
Classification | msc 20A05 |
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