Jordan-Banach and Jordan-Lie algebras
0.0.1 Definitions of Jordan-Banach, Jordan-Lie, and Jordan-Banach-Lie algebras
Firstly, a specific algebra consists of a vector space
E over a ground field (typically ℝ or ℂ)
equipped with a bilinear
and distributive multiplication ∘ . Note that E is not
necessarily commutative
or associative.
A Jordan algebra (over ℝ), is an algebra over ℝ for which:
for all elements S,T of the algebra.
It is worthwhile noting now that in the algebraic theory of Jordan algebras, an important role is played by the Jordan triple product {STW} as defined by:
which is linear in each factor and for which {STW}={WTS} . Certain examples entail setting {STW}=12{STW+WTS} .
A Jordan Lie algebra is a real vector space 𝔄ℝ
together with a Jordan product ∘ and Poisson bracket
{,}, satisfying :
for all S,T∈𝔄ℝ, S∘T=T∘S{S,T}=-{T,S}
the Leibniz rule
{S,T∘W}={S,T}∘W+T∘{S,W} for all S,T,W∈𝔄ℝ, along with
the Jacobi identity
for some ℏ2∈ℝ, there is the associator
0.0.2 Poisson algebra
By a Poisson algebra we mean a Jordan algebra in which ∘ is associative. The
usual algebraic types of morphisms automorphism, isomorphism
, etc.) apply to Jordan-Lie
(Poisson) algebras (see Landsman, 2003).
Consider the classical configuration space Q=ℝ3 of a moving particle whose phase space
is the cotangent bundle T*ℝ3≅ℝ6, and for which the space of (classical)
observables is taken to be the real vector space of smooth functions
𝔄0ℝ=C∞(T*R3,ℝ) |
. The usual pointwise multiplication of functions fg defines a bilinear map on 𝔄0ℝ, which is seen to be commutative and associative. Further, the Poisson bracket on functions
{f,g}:= |
which can be easily seen to satisfy the Liebniz rule above. The axioms above then set the stage of passage to quantum mechanical systems which the parameter suggests.
0.0.3 C*–algebras (C*–A), JLB and JBW Algebras
An involution on a complex algebra is a real–linear map such that for all
and , we have
A *–algebra is said to be a complex associative algebra together with an involution .
A C*–algebra is a simultaneously a *–algebra and a Banach space , satisfying for all :
We can easily see that . By the above axioms a C*–algebra is a special case of a Banach algebra where the latter requires the above norm property but not the involution (*) property. Given Banach spaces the space of (bounded) linear operators from to
forms a Banach space, where for , the space is a Banach algebra with respect to the norm
In quantum field theory one may start with a Hilbert space , and consider the Banach algebra of bounded linear operators which given to be closed under
the usual algebraic operations and taking adjoints
, forms a –algebra of bounded operators
, where the adjoint operation functions as the involution, and for we have :
By a morphism between C*–algebras we mean a linear map , such that for all , the following hold :
where a bijective morphism is said to be an isomorphism (in which case it is then an isometry). A fundamental relation
is that any norm-closed –algebra in is a C*–algebra, and conversely, any C*–algebra is isomorphic to a norm–closed –algebra in for some Hilbert space .
For a C*–algebra , we say that is self–adjoint if . Accordingly, the self–adjoint part of is a real vector space since we can decompose as :
A commutative C*–algebra is one for which the associative multiplication is commutative. Given a commutative C*–algebra , we have , the algebra of continuous functions on a compact Hausdorff space .
A Jordan–Banach algebra (a JB–algebra for short) is both a real Jordan algebra and a Banach space, where for all , we have
A JLB–algebra is a JB–algebra together with a Poisson bracket for which it becomes a Jordan–Lie algebra for some . Such JLB–algebras often constitute the real part of several widely studied complex associative algebras.
For the purpose of quantization, there are fundamental relations between , JLB and Poisson algebras.
For further details see Landsman (2003) (Thm. 1.1.9).
A JB–algebra which is monotone complete
and admits a separating set of normal sets is
called a JBW-algebra. These appeared in the work of von Neumann who developed a
(orthomodular) lattice theory of projections
on on which to study quantum
(see later). BW-algebras have the following property: whereas is a
J(L)B–algebra, the self adjoint part of a von Neumann algebra
is a JBW–algebra.
A JC–algebra is a norm closed real linear subspace of which is closed under the bilinear product
(non–commutative and nonassociative). Since any norm
closed Jordan subalgebra of is a JB–algebra, it is natural to specify
the exact relationship between JB and JC–algebras, at least in finite dimensions
. In order to
do this, one introduces the ‘exceptional’ algebra , the algebra of Hermitian matrices
with values in the octonians . Then a finite dimensional JB–algebra is a
JC–algebra if and only if it does not contain as a (direct) summand [1].
The above definitions and constructions follow the approach of Alfsen and Schultz (2003) and Landsman (1998).
- 1 Alfsen, E.M. and F. W. Schultz: Geometry of State Spaces of Operator Algebras, Birkhäuser, Boston-Basel-Berlin.(2003).
Title | Jordan-Banach and Jordan-Lie algebras |
Canonical name | JordanBanachAndJordanLieAlgebras |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 18:14:05 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 18:14:05 |
Owner | bci1 (20947) |
Last modified by | bci1 (20947) |
Numerical id | 32 |
Author | bci1 (20947) |
Entry type | Topic |
Classification | msc 08A99 |
Classification | msc 08A05 |
Classification | msc 08A70 |
Synonym | quantum operator algebras |
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Defines | Jordan algebra |
Defines | Jordan-Banach algebra |
Defines | Jordan-Lie algebra |