topological vector lattice
A topological vector lattice V over ℝ is
a Hausdorff
topological vector space
over ℝ,
a vector lattice, and
locally solid. This means that there is a neighborhood base of 0 consisting of solid sets.
Proposition 1.
A topological vector lattice V is a topological lattice.
Before proving this, we show the following equivalence on the continuity of various operations on a vector lattice V that is also a topological vector space.
Lemma 1.
Let V be a vector lattice and a topological vector space. The following are equivalent:
∨:V2→V is continuous
(simultaneously in both arguments)
∧:V2→V is continuous (simultaneously in both arguments)
:+V→V given by x+:=x∨0 is continuous
:-V→V given by x-:=-x∨0 is continuous
|⋅|:V→V given by |x|:=-x∨x is continuous
(1⇔2). If ∨ is continuous, then x∧y=x+y-x∨y is continuous too, as + and - are both continuous under a topological vector space. This proof works in reverse too. (1⇒3), (1⇒4), and (3⇔4) are obvious. To see (4⇒5), we see that |x|=x++x-, since - is continuous, + is continuous also, so that |⋅| is continuous. To see (5⇒4), we use the identity x=x+-x-, so that |x|=(x+x-)+x-, which implies x-=12(|x|-x) is continuous. Finally, (3⇒1) is given by x∨y=(x-y+y)∨(0+y)=(x-y)∨0+y=(x-y)++y, which is continuous.
In addition, we show an important inequality that is true on any vector lattice:
Lemma 2.
Let V be a vector lattice. Then |a+-b+|≤|a-b| for any a,b∈V.
|a+-b+|=(b+-a+)∨(a+-b+)=(b∨0-a∨0)∨(a∨0-b∨0). Next, a∨0-b∨0=(b+(-a∧0)∨(-a∧0)=((b-a)∧b)∨(-a∧0) so that |a+-b+|=((b-a)∧b)∨(-a∧0)∨((a-b)∧a)∨(-b∧0)≤(b-a)∨(-a∧0)∨(a-b)∨(-b∧0). Since (b-a)∨(a-b)=|a-b| and a∨0 are both in the positive cone of V, so is their sum, so that 0≤(b-a)∨(a-b)+(a∨0)=(b-a)∨(a-b)-(-a∧0), which means that (-a∧0)≤(b-a)∨(a-b). Similarly, (-b∧0)≤(b-a)∨(a-b). Combining these two inequalities, we see that |a+-b+|≤(b-a)∨(-a∧0)∨(a-b)∨(-b∧0)≤(b-a)∨(a-b)=|a-b|.
We are now ready to prove the main assertion.
To show that V is a topological lattice, we need to show that the lattice operations meet ∧ and join ∨ are continuous, which, by Lemma 1, is equivalent in showing, say, that + is continuous. Suppose N is a neighborhood base of 0 consisting of solid sets. We prove that + is continuous. This amounts to showing that if x is close to x0, then x+ is close to x+0, which is the same as saying that if x-x0 is in a solid neighborhood U of 0 (U∈N), then so is x+-x+0 in U. Since x-x0∈U, |x-x0|∈U. But |x+-x+0|≤|x-x0| by Lemma 2, and U is solid, x+-x+0∈U as well, and therefore + is continuous.
As a corollary, we have
Proposition 2.
A topological vector lattice is an ordered topological vector space.
All we need to show is that the positive cone is a closed set. But the positive cone is defined as {x∣0≤x}={x∣x-=0}, which is closed since - is continuous, and the positive cone is the inverse image
of a singleton, a closed set in ℝ.
Title | topological vector lattice |
Canonical name | TopologicalVectorLattice |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 17:03:51 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 17:03:51 |
Owner | CWoo (3771) |
Last modified by | CWoo (3771) |
Numerical id | 6 |
Author | CWoo (3771) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 06F20 |
Classification | msc 46A40 |
Defines | locally solid |