Lagrange multipliers on manifolds
We discuss in this article the theoretical aspects of the Lagrange multiplier method.
To enhance understanding, proofs and intuitive explanations of the Lagrange multipler method will be given from several different viewpoints, both elementary and advanced.
1 Statements of theorem
Let N be a n-dimensional differentiable manifold (without boundary), and f:N→ℝ, and gi:N→ℝ, for i=1,…,k, be continuously differentiable. Set M=⋂ki=1g-1i({0}).
1.1 Formulation with differential forms
Theorem 1.
Suppose dgi are linearly independent
at each point of M.
If p∈M is a local minimum
or maximum point of f restricted to M,
then there exist Lagrange multipliers
λ1,…,λk∈R, depending on p,
such that
df(p)=λ1dg1(p)+⋯+λkdgk(p). |
Here, d denotes the exterior derivative.
1.2 Formulation with gradients
The version of Lagrange multipliers typically
used in calculus is the special case
N=ℝn in Theorem 1.
In this case,
the conclusion of the
theorem can also be written
in terms of gradients
instead of differential forms:
Theorem 2.
Suppose ∇gi are linearly independent at each point of M. If p∈M is a local minimum or maximum point of f restricted to M, then there exist Lagrange multipliers λ1,…,λk∈R, depending on p, such that
∇f(p)=λ1∇g1(p)+⋯+λk∇gk(p). |
This formulation and the first one
are equivalent since
the 1-form df can be identified with the gradient
∇f, via the formula
1.3 Formulation with tangent maps
The functions gi can also be coalesced into a vector-valued function
g:N→ℝk. Then we have:
Theorem 3.
Let g=(g1,…,gk):N→Rk.
Suppose the tangent map Dg is surjective
at each point of M.
If p∈M is a local minimum or maximum point of f restricted to M,
there exists a Lagrange multiplier vector λ∈(Rk)*,
depending on p, such that
Df(p)=Dg(p)*λ. |
Here, Dg(p):(Rk)*→(TpN)* denotes the pullback of the linear transformation ( Dg(p):TpN→Rk.
If Dg is represented by its Jacobian matrix, then the condition that it be surjective is equivalent to its Jacobian matrix having full rank.
Note the deliberate use of the space (ℝk)* instead of ℝk
— to which the former is isomorphic to —
for the Lagrange multiplier vector. It turns out that the
Lagrange multiplier vector naturally
lives in the dual space and not the original vector space
This distinction is particularly important in the infinite-dimensional
of Lagrange multipliers.
But even in the finite-dimensional setting,
we do see hints that the dual space
has to be involved, because a transpose
is involved
in the matrix expression for Lagrange multipliers.
If the expression Dg(p)*λ is written
out in coordinates, then it is apparent that the components λi
of the vector λ are exactly those
Lagrange multipliers from Theorems 1 and 2.
2 Proofs
The proof of the Lagrange multiplier theorem is surprisingly short and elegant,
when properly phrased in the language of abstract manifolds and
differential forms.
However, for the benefit of the readers not versed in these topics,
we provide, in addition to the abstract proof, a concrete translation of the arguments
in the more familiar setting N=ℝn.
2.1 Beautiful abstract proof
Since dgi are linearly independent at each point of M=⋂ki=1g-1i({0}),
M is an embedded submanifold of N,
of dimension m=n-k. Let α:U→M, with U open in ℝm, be
a coordinate chart for M such that α(0)=p.
Then α*f has a local minimum or maximum at 0,
and therefore 0=d(α*f)=α*df at 0.
But α* at p is an isomorphism
so the preceding equation says that df vanishes on TpM.
Now, by the definition of gi, we have α*gi=0, so 0=d(α*gi)=α*dgi. So like df, dgi vanishes on TpM.
In other words, dgi(p) is in the annihilator (
(TpM)0 of the subspace
Since TpM has dimension m=n-k, and TpN has dimension n,
the annihilator (TpM)0 has dimension k.
Now dgi(p)∈(TpM)0 are linearly independent,
so they must in fact be a basis for (TpM)0.
But we had argued that df(p)∈(TpM)0.
Therefore df(p) may be written as a unique linear combination
of the dgi(p):
df(p)=λ1dg1(p)+⋯+λkdgk(p).∎ |
The last paragraph of the previous proof can also be rephrased, based on the same underlying ideas, to make evident the fact that the Lagrange multiplier vector lives in the dual space .
Alternative argument..
A general theorem in linear algebra states that for any linear transformation , the image of the pullback is the annihilator of the kernel of . Since and , it immediately follows that exists such that . ∎
Yet another proof could be devised by observing that the result is obvious if and the constraint functions are just coordinate projections on :
We clearly must have at a point that minimizes over . The general case can be deduced to this by a coordinate change:
Alternate argument..
Since are linearly independent, we can find a coordinate chart for about the point , with coordinate functions such that for . Then
but at the point . Set at . ∎
2.2 Clumsy, but down-to-earth proof
We assume that .
Consider the list vector discussed earlier,
and its Jacobian matrix in Euclidean coordinates.
The th row of this matrix
So the matrix has full rank (i.e. ) if and only if the gradients are linearly independent.
Consider each solution of .
Since has full rank, we can apply the implicit function theorem,
which states that there exist smooth solution parameterizations
around each point . ( is an open set in , .)
These are the coordinate charts which give to a manifold structure.
We now consider specially the point ; without loss of generality, assume .
Then is a function on Euclidean space having a local minimum or maximum at ,
so its derivative
vanishes at .
Calculating by the chain rule
, we have
In other words, .
Intuitively, this says that the directional derivatives
at of lying in the tangent space
of the manifold vanish.
By the definition of and , we have . By the chain rule again, we derive .
Let the columns of be the column vectors , which span the -dimensional space , and look at the matrix equation again. The equation for each entry of this matrix, which consists of only one row, is:
In other words, is orthogonal to ,
and hence it is orthogonal to the entire tangent space .
Similarly, the matrix equation can be split into individual scalar equations:
Thus is orthogonal to .
But are, by hypothesis, linearly independent,
and there are of these gradients, so they must form a basis for
the orthogonal complement
of , of dimensions.
Hence can be written as a unique linear combination of :
3 Intuitive interpretations
We now discuss the intuitive and geometric
interpretations of Lagrange multipliers.
3.1 Normals to tangent hyperplanes
Each equation defines a hypersurface in , a manifold of dimension .
If we consider the tangent hyperplane
at of these hypersurfaces, , the gradient
gives the normal vector
to these hyperplanes.
The manifold is the intersection of the hypersurfaces .
Presumably, the tangent space is the intersection of the , and the subspace perpendicular
to would be spanned by the normals .
Now, the direction derivatives at of with respect to each vector in , as we have proved,
vanish. So the direction of , the direction
of the greatest change in at , should be perpendicular
to . Hence can be written as a linear combination of the .
Note, however, that this geometric picture, and the manipulations with the gradients
and , do not carry over to abstract manifolds.
The notions of gradients and normals to surfaces depend on the
inner product structure of , which is
not present in an abstract manifold (without a Riemannian metric
On the other hand, this explains the mysterious appearance of annihilators in the last paragraph of the abstract proof. Annihilators and dual space theory serve as the proper tools to formalize the manipulations we made with the matrix equations and , without resorting to Euclidean coordinates, which, of course, are not even defined on an abstract manifold.
3.2 With infinitesimals
If we are willing to interpret the quantities and as infinitesimals,
even the abstract version of the result has an intuitive explanation.
Suppose we are at the point of the manifold ,
and consider an infinitesimal movement about this point.
The infinitesimal movement is a vector in the tangent space
, because, near , looks like the linear space .
And as moves, the function changes by a corresponding infinitesimal amount
that is approximately linear in .
Furthermore, the change may be decomposed as the sum of a change as moves along the manifold , and a change as moves out of the manifold . But if has a local minimum at , then there cannot be any change of along ; thus only changes when moving out of . Now is described by the equations , so a movement out of is described by the infinitesimal changes . As is linear in the change , we ought to be able to write it as a weighted sum of the changes . The weights are, of course, the Lagrange multipliers .
The linear algebra performed in the abstract proof can be regarded as the precise, rigorous translation of the preceding argument.
3.3 As rates of substitution
Observe that the formula for Lagrange multipliers is formally
very similar to the standard formula for expressing
a differential form in terms of a basis:
In fact, if are linearly independent, then they do form a basis for , that can be extended to a basis for . By the uniqueness of the basis representation, we must have
That is, is the differential
of with respect to changes in .
In applications of Lagrange multipliers to economic problems, the multipliers are rates of substitution — they give the rate of improvement in the objective function as the constraints are relaxed.
4 Stationary points
In applications, sometimes we are interested in finding stationary points of — defined as points such that vanishes on , or equivalently, that the Taylor expansion of at , under any system of coordinates for , has no terms of first order. Then the Lagrange multiplier method works for this situation too.
The following theorem incorporates the more general notion of stationary points.
Theorem 4.
Let be a -dimensional differentiable manifold (without boundary), and , , for , be continuously differentiable. Suppose , and are linearly independent.
Then is a stationary point (e.g. a local extremum point) of restricted to , if and only if there exist such that
The Lagrange multipliers , which depend on , are unique when they exist.
In this formulation, is not necessarily a manifold, but it is one when intersected with a sufficiently small neighborhood about . So it makes sense to talk about , although we are abusing notation here. The subspace in question can be more accurately described as the annihilated subspace of .
It is also enough that be linearly independent
only at the point .
For are continuous, so they will be
linearly independent for points near
and we may restrict our viewpoint to a sufficiently small neighborhood
around , and the proofs carry through.
The proof involves only simple modifications to that of Theorem 1 — for instance, the converse implication follows because we have already proved that the form a basis for the annihilator of , independently of whether or not is a stationary point of on .
- 1 Friedberg, Insel, Spence. Linear Algebra. Prentice-Hall, 1997.
- 2 David Luenberger. Optimization by Vector Space Methods. John Wiley & Sons, 1969.
- 3 James R. Munkres. Analysis on Manifolds. Westview Press, 1991.
- 4 R. Tyrrell Rockafellar. “Lagrange Multipliers and Optimality”. SIAM Review. Vol. 35, No. 2, June 1993.
- 5 Michael Spivak. Calculus on Manifolds. Perseus Books, 1998.
Title | Lagrange multipliers on manifolds |
Canonical name | LagrangeMultipliersOnManifolds |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 15:25:45 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 15:25:45 |
Owner | stevecheng (10074) |
Last modified by | stevecheng (10074) |
Numerical id | 24 |
Author | stevecheng (10074) |
Entry type | Topic |
Classification | msc 58C05 |
Classification | msc 49-00 |
Related topic | Manifold |